About Us
Hello and welcome to the Hillcrest Village BIA!
Hillcrest Village BIA is located in the heart of midtown Toronto running along St.Clair West between Christie St. to the East and Winona Dr. to the West. This vibrant area is home to a wide variety of retail shops, professional services, specialty restaurants and cozy ethnic eateries, all reflecting the diverse ethnicity of the street.
What is a BIA?
A BIA (Business Improvement Area) is a non-profit association within a specified geographical area, that joins together with the official approval of the city. Its main purpose is to create opportunities to promote and stimulate local business.
The City collects an annual levy from the businesses and the funds are managed by an elected volunteer Board management. The main purpose of a BIA is to draw more customers to the area by promoting the unique attractiveness of the area to shop, visit and do business.
Hillcrest Village BIA is a thriving area, injected with an entrepreneurial spirit, new business development, lifestyle condominiums, a new streetcar system and community and arts-based programs that continue to encourage visitors and new residents alike. It is the economic and social anchor, steeping in rich history, that continues to revitalize the local community.
We cordially invite you to attend one of our annual shopping, art or cultural events and of course, our popular street festival, SALSA on St. Clair, one of the largest Latino-themed celebrations in Canada... now in its 20th year!